Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors

Publication, Reviewing and Editing Processes

The reviewing process is according to the double-blind peer review method. Once a manuscript is successfully submitted, the corresponding author should expect to receive an email notification within hours. After paper submission, it will be passed to the related field editor. If the editor accepts that the manuscript is suitable for publishing in the journal, she/he will pass the manuscript to the reviewers.

The reviewers have 2-3 weeks’ time to send their own opinions about the manuscript regarding to the acceptance, major/minor corrections, or rejection. The reviewers should write their own comments in the manuscript’s file wherever it is needed and then send it to the editor. The editor will wrap-up the comments and will send the results to the corresponding author. If the result is acceptance with corrections, the authors will have a specified time to do the final corrections and send the paper to the journal for doing publication processes.

Papers Categories

Original articles: traditional research manuscript. Generally, 5-20 printed pages (approximately 3000- 9000 words) inclusive of text, appropriate references (target up to 50), figures, and tables.

Comment/Reply articles: comments on, or replies to, papers published in the journal; Generally, Four printed pages (approximately 2000 words).

Review articles: comprehensive and synthetic reviews on topics of wide general interest or on hot topics, sometimes solicited by the editorial board. Authors considering submitting a review article for consideration are advised to contact the Journal regarding topic and proposed length.

Any argumentative essays, essays on technology, environment essays and short comments related to the water environment are welcomed to possible publication in our journal.


Scientific manuscripts should usually be submitted as a Word document (.doc or .docx). The document should be double-spaced throughout with a left-hand margin of 3cm, and the page and line numbers function switched on. The manuscript should contain the following information: title page contains of author(s) name, author(s) affiliation, plus email address of the corresponding author; abstract; key words (up to six); text; tables and figures should be in the text where they must be placed. The manuscript must be submitted as one file that are named “Manuscript”.

Maximum word count for abstracts: 300 words


Please use English spelling throughout. Dates should appear in the day-month-year format. Measurements should be metric and use the SI conventions for units and abbreviations.


  1. Cite references in the text in the ‘name, date’ format.
  2. If there are two authors, give both names.
  3. If there are three or more authors: Smith et al. (1988) or (Smith et al., 1988). The “et al.” is written in italic.
  4. For unpublished material such as personal communications, give the author’s first initial(s): (F. Fry, pers. comm.).
  5. The reference list at the end of the article should be restricted to work already published, or definitely accepted for publication (in press).
  6. Unpublished material, including work submitted to a journal but not yet formally accepted, should not be included.
  7. List entries alphabetically by the first author’s surname, followed by initials. In cases of multiple authorship: Fry, F., Plie, I. I., and Soglia, I. Give the names of all authors, unless there are more than five, in which case, list the first five authors followed by et al.
  8. Spell out names of journals in full.
  1. Material published in a journal:

Pares, P., and Britain, B. 1965. Predator–prey behaviour of herring (Clupea harengus albertus). International Journal of Applied Biology, 24: 132–135.

  1. Material published in a book:
  • Havfrue, D. L. 1990. Ecological implications of genetic mutation. In Studies in Parthenogenesis, 2nd edn, pp. 282–289. Ed. by F. Ray, and O. Lith. Thalassa Press, London. 331 pp.
  • Wang, W. 2010. ARW modeling user’s guide. Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology division. Boulder, USA: National Center for Atmospheric Research.
  1. Ordering references:
  • In-text citations: please list references by date rather than alphabetically.
  • Reference list: please list references alphabetically by first author, then by date.
  • Instructions for citing online references – please give url and accessed date.

Figures and illustrations

All illustrations should be referred to as figures and should be numbered in a single sequence in the order in which they are mentioned in the manuscript. The minimum resolution for grey-scale and colour images required for publication is 300-500 dpi. For line art the resolution should be at least 1200 dpi. For any figures that have been previously published, permission must be sought from the previous publisher to reproduce them. It is the authors’ responsibility to secure any required permissions prior to submission. Articles cannot be published before permission is secured. Permission must be granted for both print and online publication in perpetuity.

Use of colour

The journal encourages authors to produce all of their figures in colour to enhance the online HTML and PDF versions of their articles. However, colours should be adopted that will reproduce with clarity in gray-scale in the printed version of the journal. Authors will be charged for print reproduction of each colour figure in their article. IMPORTANT: authors should size their figures to fit either into one column (85 mm wide) or double column/page width (170 mm wide), but preferably not in between. Remember to assess how much space your figure legend will take.

Supplementary material for online-only publication

Supplementary information and/or data, which are preferred to Appendices, may be submitted for online-only publication if it adds value to the manuscript. However, it should not contain material crucial to the understanding of the manuscript, which must be able to stand alone. The availability of online supplementary material should be indicated at the appropriate point in the text and in a section entitled “Supplementary material”, placed immediately before the Acknowledgements section. The section should begin with a statement such as, “The following supplementary material is available at Research in Marine Sciences online”, and should include a brief description of the supplementary material.

The citation of references within the supplementary section is discouraged because the references are not hyperlinked as they are in the main text. Supplementary materials should be submitted as separate files that must be named as “Supplementary”. Please note that Supplementary materials will not be edited or amended in any way by the editors or the publisher. Authors are responsible for ensuring that they are rendered correctly.

Ethical conduct

The journal expects that authors will observe the highest standards with respect to publication ethics. For example, the following practices are unacceptable: (1) falsification or fabrication of data, (2) plagiarism, including presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement, (3) misappropriation of the work of others such as omission of qualified authors, (4) withholding information of relevance to assess possible conflicts of interest (e.g. financial support), etc.

For ethical purposes, corresponding Author should send us a declaration letter (Declaration-letter).

Re-use of the journal content for commercial purposes is allowed subject to the journal rights such as referring and citations.

Guide for Editors 

The Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) is an online resource to support journal editors in handling reviewing process in regards to publishing ethics allegations that is available in

The editors should use the related parts when encountered with different issues in publication ethics.

Plagiarism check 

The publisher and editors are responsible to identify and prevent the publication of manuscripts where research misconduct has occurred. They are responsible for the detection of scientific similarity and plagiarism and they use the following sites to control the accuracy and correctness of Ethical issues of the manuscript.

There is also a local site for this issue (

With all these tools and also using Google search engine, the editors, reviewers, and publisher are trying to publish articles without scientific fraud. The presence of similarity in the context of the manuscripts less than 25% is accepted, if the aforementioned source articles are cited and referenced in the manuscript.

Our editors do not encourage misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place; in the event that the publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct the publisher or editor shall deal with accusations appropriately; the journal will retract or correct the manuscripts when needed; and finally publishers and editors always are willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies in the journal website, when needed.

Authors’ rights

The authors of published manuscript have their own authority to use the paper anywhere with subject to the journal rights such as referring and citations. The author can hold the article copyright without restrictions in lawful purpose.


This journal does not consider any charges to authors for submission and publication processes, but after their manuscript is accepted, the authors will be charged for the reviewing and editing processes (for 2024 will be free of charge).  

Translation fees

For non-English authors a translation service is available and the prices can be asked directly from the journal office by email:   /

  • For more questions you can contact us by email. There is also a Question and Answers page available herein.